Sweet Scarlet Dwarf - Organic Tomato Seeds
Sweet Scarlet Dwarf - Tomato
Sweet Scarlet Dwarf - Tomato
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Our Price: $4.50
Days: 80
Size: Dwarf
Color: Red
Season: Mid-Season
Seeds Per Pack: 15 - 20

Product Code: TF-0488B6

Rugose, potato leaf, determinate, dwarf variety produces oblate, medium to large, 10-16 oz., tomatoes that ripen scarlet-red with intense, delicious, perfectly balanced, flavors (One of the very best flavored of all of the "Dwarf Tomato Project" varieties.)
History: Developed by the Dwarf Tomato Project. Originated from a cross made by Patrina Nuske Small between Golden Dwarf Champion and Elbe and named Tipsy. Sweet Scarlet Dwarf was selected and named by Craig LeHoullier.

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