There is music, and dance, and family in our heirloom tomato vineyard. One of our favorite delights is inviting our children and grandchildren to harvest our organic tomatoes.
In 2022, with new knees, I wanted to walk with Sage after the day's harvesting between the rows of our tomato plants. I asked Dagma to get a photo of us together. As I held Sage's hand and started walking, Dagma pulled out her iPhone and shot this video to Louis Armstrong singing Disney's "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah," a song I used to sing to my children when they were young.
Granddaughter Sage and Me Walking Between Rows of Tomato Plants.
Following the day's tomato seed harvest our granddaughter, Sage, and I were enlivened into an impromptu dance in the tomato field by music playing from a nearby truck. To bathe in the wake of her spontaneous, natural exuberance lifted me out of my tired and aching body into a joyful experience.
'Papa G' Dancing with Granddaughter Sage
"We've been growing organic heirloom tomatoes for more than 30 years. When I started TomatoFest to harvest heirloom tomato seeds and share them with others, my mission was simple: to be a positive force in supporting bio-diversity, promote sustainable agriculture and help preserve the many heirloom tomato varieties that have been rapidly disappearing as big farms replace many small family farms. Click on any image below to enlarage.
Family Harvest 2021
Some of our family ready for a day of tomato harvesting. Front (Left to right): Twins Joseph and Nick, Granddaughter Macy Ann held by Dagma, Daughter Jessica with fiance Justin, then my brother Greg who drove up from L.A. Back: Son Jake, his son Nathanial and me.
Our small family business grows and harvests our own Certified Organic heirloom tomato seeds by hand, to ensure you the finest quality heirloom tomato seeds. We take the growing, nurturing, harvesting and management of our heirloom tomato seed crop very seriously. The integrity that sustains our personal lives is extended to you through our precious tomato seeds.
Friends and Family at Harvest 2023
Before processing seeds from the tomatoes (Left to right) Derek, Gabe, son Bjorn, Dagma, me, Stephanie, Buddy, 'Tony Tomato'.
Between us, Dagma and I have eight children and eleven grandchildren. Most have joined our annual harvesting, many travel a long distance to join our Hispanic friends to meet in the tomato field before light to watch the sun rise over the many long rows of tomato plants in silhouette before the distant hills near Hollister, California.
Family at Harvest 2023
(Left to right) Dagma, granddaughter, Nicoya, My brother Greg, me, Granddaughter Freya, Son Bjorn, Daughter-in-Law Alisa.
The cadre of friends who join our family members to harvest and process our tomato seeds each year are, indeed, part of our extended family. We make every effort to couple the hard work with friendly banter with responsible fruit selection. Most of the friends who join us each year have full time jobs elsewhere but reserve our harvest time to 'family'.
Family at Harvest 2023
Dagma gathers a bunch for a selfie. (Left to right) Me, Jake, Robert, Dagma, Aaron and Margie
Me and 'Tony Tomato'
Like another son to me, 'Tony Tomato' has been with us at harvest every year. We've walked many miles of tomato plant rows and lifted many tons of tomatoes together.
Playing in Tomato Pulp
Granddaughter Sage taking a break to explore the sensations of a dip in the vat of tomato pulp before it is emptied in the field. Many years ago, I considered using this left over pulp to make sauce but rejected the idea. Too much work and cost to process sauce from this location.
Family at Harvest 2021
Catching his breath from hauling buckets of tomatoes, son, Robert, says. "Everything is okay here Dad."
Family at Harvest 2021
Me and eldest son Leif in 2021 who grew up in the garden and excelled with growing plants to feed and comfort others.