Perfect for a large container or a small garden space. Indeterminate, dwarf (tree-type) plants with regular, rugose foliage (with stout central stem, growing to three to four feet in height), produce large yields of 6-12 oz., medium-large, oblate, ripening to a rich deep purple exterior and rich crimson interior with small seed locules. Similar to Cherokee Purple in color, size, shape and flavor but on a dwarf growing plant. Excellent, delicious, BOLD flavors similar to Cherokee Purple. History: Dwarf Tomato Project. Originated from a cross between Budai and Stump of the World made by Patrina Nuske Small in Australia. A subsequent selection was discovered and grown out by famed tomato breeder, Craig LeHoullier in its ninth generation and introduced by Victory Seed Company in 2011. This variety is associated with the Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI).
