These are tomato varieties I recommend for indoor container gardening,
perfectly suitable to patio container gardening outside. They are suited
for growing indoors in any season. This tomato seed collection contains
individual packs of the following tomato varieties: (25 - 25 seeds/pack)
- New Big Dwarf Heirloom Tomato S. M. Isbell & Co. bred this variety in 1919 by selecting crosses from crosses of 'Ponderosa' with 'Dwarf Champion'. Lots of large 1-lb. deep pink fruits on 2' bushy plants. Perfect for patio gardening in pots. Very flavorful.
- Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato A Russian Heirloom tomato. Small determinant, potato-leaf plants yield an abundant set of 12 ounce beautiful tomatoes that are rich mahogany colored with olive green shoulders when mature. Inside of tomato is deep, reddish green and loaded with excellent, full-bodied, complex, intense, creamy tomato flavors. An outstanding tomato for sandwiches and salads. Does well growing in mid-sized containers.
- Early Wonder Heirloom Tomato Extra-early maturing and compact variety that yields an abundant crop of round, dark-pink, great-tasting fruit. Perfect for gardeners in shorter season growing climates. A very good choice for container gardening.
- Tiny Tim Heirloom Tomato A miniature tomato plant that gets to 12" high that yields small braids of 3/4" red, round, cherry tomatoes. This is a perfect tomato for gardeners who wish to grow tomatoes in pots any time of the year inside the house or in limited space gardens outside. Fruit is juicy and has very good sweet/tart tomato flavors.
- Amber Colored Heirloom Tomato A favorite Russian heirloom. Large bushy plant that produces 2-inch amber-colored globes. Very good sweet flavors with just enough acid balance to enhance the taste. You will love this tomato.
- Silvery Fir Tree Heirloom Tomato A Russian heirloom. An early season dwarf (2') tomato plant with wispy, fern-like, silvery fuzzy leaves that yields moderate crops of bright-red, 4-5 oz., flattened, round tomatoes. A perfect tomato plant for growing in small containers and hanging baskets. A perfect choice for a canning tomato or salad tomato.
- Beliy Naliv Heirloom Tomato (aka Belii Naliv tomato) Means "white ripening", most likely named after popular variety of apples in Russia. A short indeterminate (40") that produces an abundance of early bearing 2", red, round, crack-resistant fruits that are sweet and tangy.
