Indeterminate, vigorous dwarf (tree-type) plants with regular leaf rugose foliage produce 4-8 oz., medium-sized, attractive pink beefsteak fruits with golden stripes that have meaty and juicy flesh, with outstanding full flavor. History: Developed 2011-2016 by members of the Dwarf Tomato Project from a cross between Dwarf Wild Fred and beauty King made by Vince Lavallo in 2011, which he named Beauty. It was developed collaboratively by Vince Lavalle, Craig LeHoullier, Lurley Hernandez, Lindsey Ratterree, Dan Follett, Carolyn Keiper, and Nancy Ruhl. Named by Craig LeHoullier in 2013. This variety is associated with the This variety is associated with the Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI).